So Colt and I were commissioned to make a mustache costume. Oh yeah, you read that right. A mustache costume. At first we were at a loss on how we were going to do this. We drew up sketches and tried to figure out just how the heck this thing was going to fit on a person. We went and looked at supplies, and man, the price tags were scary. Foam is 60 bucks a yard people! $60!
We got some very furry brown fabric which looked very mustache like, at this little quilting shop, which was Very fortunate.
So tonight Colt set out to conquer this huge, furry beast! He kept coming to show me the developments, and I could NOT stop laughing! First when he was wearing it, it didn't have the foam in it to give it more of a solid shape. So he looked like Cookie Monster!

And then when he came back downstairs after a while, and I hear this struggling noise. And then the door bursts open, and BAM! Giant mustache! He couldn't fit through the door the normal way, so he had to shuffle in sideways. I am still confused on how he got down the stairs! I wish I could have seen it. Then he went back to finish it, and then he comes back down stairs (of which he actually fell on, when he was NOT in the mustache costume, poor silly boy) And he was like "GO TO YOUTUBE".
There I found out the answer to what he was doing for the last hour.
(He couldn't reach the button to turn off the camera, so he had to peck it with his nose, that is why he goes down in the end of the video. Instant Classic.)
I was laughing so hard I was crying and could hardly breathe. I had to stop the video a couple times because I wanted to watch it, but I couldn't see though the streaming tears. So. Good.
I love my husband, he can make me laugh in any situation! He is so creative, and not afraid to look completely ridiculous. I love him to bits! Thanks for the tears of laughter dear Husband.
P.S. Up next MILKSHAKE COSTUMES. For real. I am so excited to see how that hilarity will turn out. Wish us luck!
straight-up adorabibble