Taxes. Yuck. That is pretty much all I have to say on the matter of ..... taxes...
Colt and I are trying to conquer them right now, and basically all we have accomplished is totally bumming out on the amount of money we are spending on crap. ( fast food and gadgety-things) (other things are labeled as Non-crap, such as business expenses and such) I was in charge of the fancy big calculator, and Colt was in charge of reading out reciept totals. Man, I caught myself saying, "What really? We paid that much for THAT?" Or, "Auuuuggggh, that was a stupid purchase" or the most frequented of sentences, "MONEY SUCKS, WE AREN'T SPENDING ANYMORE OF IT!" Sigh, why is money such a big deal, why can't we just share everything we have. I really hate spending money, I haven't spoiled myself to anything other than food in a long while. It just scares me when money starts to disappear in the bank account. Augh. Well, I am glad to be almost done with.......taxes... And it was nice to add up what we did make this year, and we were happily surprised with the total amount! Heres to hoping for an AWESOME tax return! But for now, we are feeling kind of like this

When I typed in "frusterating taxes" into Google images, this was the photo that came up the most. Isn't it just wonderful. Makes me laugh everytime.
And I kind of feel like doing this sometimes too.

Buuuut I guess they have to get done. Welp! *pushes up glasses* Off to crunch some serious numbers!
I so love this post!