See this guy right here? I love this guy. This guy is the best there is, and I don't care who knows it! He recently grew one year older and wiser too. 28! Sheesh! I still think he doesn't look a day over 24 (when we started dating). Awww memories.....
But now on to the future! Bigger and brighter things! Year 28! Woo!
We started off the day right with a primary program practice. They sang him a very cute and enthusiastic, "You've had a birthday, shout HOORAY!" They congratulated him on turning 25, to which we both looked at each other and shrugged, "eh, sounds good to me"
Then since we were already in our sunday best, we headed over to the temple. We attended the temple last year for Colt's birthday, and I am thinkin that this is a start to a mighty fine tradition. It was simply wonderful.
The week before his birthday, I asked Colt what he wanted to do for his big to-do, and he said that he wanted to try the new indoor skatepark. (these things are a big deal here, since it snows from october til june. Siiiiiigh) We looked it up and watched some videos. Afterwards, I stared wide eyed at my hubby, and asked, "Um, do you really want to go here? It looks a little....Xtreme."
Xtreme is more extreme.
Colt - "hmm, we will just have to go and find out!"
So we called up some skate friends to meet us there, and Colt waited in line to get a helmet.
I was very thankful that they had this rule, birthday ER trips aren't my cup of tea.
We walked into the warehouse and were blown away by the pure chaos of it all. There were kids of every shape and size zooming around everywhere, on scooters, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, doing backflips, flying over things, scaring the pants off of the motherly instincts.
Wear your helmet! Don't go so fast! You are too little for that! AH! OH! *faints*
(what AM I going to do when I have kids!? Because I know they will want to do crazy things like their crazy father...heavens!)
Anyways, Colt had fun and I got to slide down one of the ramps on ma butt. Yeah I participated!
(afterwards, Colt confided in me that it was really Xtreme, and he was really nervous. Aw.)
Check it out
Just look at it though! Now add like 100 more kids zooming everywhere. I ran across the floor for my life, like I was trying to cross the freeway.
Next on the awesome birthday adventure, we went to Classic Fun Center with our super friends The Packs! We rented some rollerskates, Colt tied his flannel shirt around his waist, the lights dimmed and the disco ball lowered. He held my hand, I blushed. He was like...totally dreamy. Siiiiiigh.....
Then we played arcade games! While we were still in our rollerskates! I also found out that it is hard to play skeeball when your feet have wheels on them! Gabrielle and Riley were totally fun, and Colt and I won the jackpot on a game! 300 tickets! We then proceeded to buy switch blade combs for the boys, and candy for the girls. Warheads! Wut wut!
Then we went to Buca DeBeppo. Yum yum yum. We asked if we could sit at the table that is inside the kitchen because of the birthday boy, and they obliged. It was great. I highly reccommend it if being loud when you are with your friends is your thing. Its our thing.

Sorry Riley, that waiter took horrible pictures, and this was the best one I could find. Don't worry, I didn't tip him!
(hey don't look at me like that, I tipped our REAL waitress)
Thanks Packs, you know how to rock a party.
Now, I just want to put this out there before you read on. Im totally going to toot my own horn here, because you know. I CAN. But, I rock at cakes. I love baking them and I take pride in how they turn out. Usually I am not disappointed. But this time....this time....
You guys, I don't know what in crap-ole happened! I made the best frosting. (blackberry cream cheese. Made with REAL blackberries folks.) I made the best cake. (dark chocolate fudge, plus a funfetti layer thrown in for kicks). And I was going to put a divine layer of berry preserves in the middle of the layers. It was going great, I knew it was going to be amazing.
But that cake was all like.
Im gunna fall apart and ruin your day! Because I CAN. Suck it!
It was awful. I was positively P.O.ed at this cake.
My sweet SIL had to put skewers through it to hold it together long enough for me to frost it. But the frosting just started pulling it towards the left for some reason? and soon it looked like the Leaning Tower of Crapcake.
I put the little flags on it last minute, in my desperate attempt to make it look kind of cute.

But you know what. THAT CAKE WAS FREAKING AMAZING. It may have looked like poop, but it darn well didn't taste like it! UH! YEAH! WHAT!
Oh, to end that awesome birthday, the most awesome birthday present!

I think he likes it.
Hey husband, thanks for being born.
Heaven only knows who I would be with out you.
Love you forrrrr-evvv-errrrr.
P.S. This is my 28th post! Most appropriate for the celebration of a 28th birthday!
P.S.S. Colt's first call on his phone was to me, from the bathroom, 5 feet away.
Ain't I the luckiest!?
ANOTHER THING. Colt wanted me to tell you that he could have skated more Xtreme if there weren't that many kids there. He just wanted to make that clear. Don't worry hubbz, you are still pretty xtreme in my book.
Aw. Happy birthday, Colt!!