Sorry that we have updated in a while, it has been crazy here! We have a craft show that we have to get ready for the first week of May, and we have to try and get it all done early, because we are GOING ON A VACATION. Do I need more emphasis on how dang excited I am? We aren't going anywheres toooo fancy, just sunny Southern Cali, BUT ITS A VACATION NONE THE LESS. Man, I am ready for some relaxin, and some delicious sun rays. Mmmmm.
Anyways, to catch you all up with all our bid-nis, basically Colt finished winter semester with flying colors! I am back at work, have been for the past 5 weeks. Whoa, I just noticed, that is long time. For those of you who don't know what I do, I am a nanny for my niece and 2 nephews. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its crazy, but so is life. Like I said, we are getting ready for a big craft show which is the first week of May. This month's product....BOWTIES. Like the good Doctor says..."Oh yeah....bowties are cool."
We purchased rad fabrics and have been crankin these babies out for the past 3 nights. We have almost 40 cut out and ready to be sewn. Bowtie Madness!
If any of you would like a bow tie, just let us know!
And if any of you would like to know how to tie a bow tie ( a noble skill ) check out this video that we made, starring our wonderful best friend Darrin Frank. He is a master bow tie tier.
Adorable side note, Darrin's wonderful wife and best friend of ours, Anna, makes all of his bowties. He is a professional bow tie wearer. :)
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