Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Feet 2

This Saturday, we were asked to come help out at a Tom's shoes event again! We loved it last time, and we were so excited to be helping out again. We were even more excited this time, because all of our friends from the Arts program at BYU were helping out. We got to work in the kids department this time, which was WAAAAAY better, because kids are not picky and think everything looks "beautiful". The adults last time were such sticklers, and they kept demanding, (notice that demanding is the key word here) really intricate designs, such as the Harvard school logo, and Tinkerbell, just to name a few. But in the kids section, they were asking for things like, Pretty flowers! A racecar! Circles! It was awesome. We did some pretty rad shoes that day, and it was the best to see the kids happy faces. 
We hope to continue helping with Tom's Shoe events like this in the future, we had a blast! 

 These were my favorite pair that I did, the little girl was so cute! 

Happy Easter!

So this easter we woke up to find a mysterious basket filled with eggs...


Only to find MC had gotten to it already!!


MC EASTER Hey whats that?



And then... we found out that our house held a very special Easter egg basket... one filled with baby bird eggs..

Eggs in a light box

Eggs in a light box

Too cute.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Have you ever had one of those days, where you just yell up at the sky,

Well, today was one of those days.

The kids that I nanny had an early off day, which led to schedules conflicting with one another. The youngest one gets out earlier because of kindergarten, and he had a tumbling class at 12:45, and goes for an hour. The other kids get home from school at 1:45. So, dilema. I basically had to rush the kids into the car as soon as they got home so that we wouldn't be late in picking up their brother that was at the Rec. Center. There was some delay getting out of the house, when I put one kid in the car, the other one would be missing, and then I would find the other one and put them in the car, the other one would have gotten out and ran off somewheres. Ahhhh. BUT, we finally were all the car and ready to go. We picked up the little brother and went the library for some much needed quiet reading time. Whew.

Then, when work was over, I decided to go and get some dinner for Colt and I. Colt was printing some wedding invitations for a client. (Our
letterpress is in the garage of the house that I nanny) So I went to go get our food, and I was driving through the parking lot, and this guy runs a stop sign and almost hits me. Sheesh! He didn't even look in my direction, and of course he went in the drive-thru so he got the spot in front of me. :(
I purchased our food, and I got a large lemonade ( Chick-fil-a Lemonade is THE BEST....just an FYI) for Colt and headed back home. It had started to rain heavily on the way home, and I pulled into the drive way. I loaded up one hand with the food bag and went to grab the lemonade. Then BAM.
My thumb went right through the blasted cup! It started spilling out EVERYWHERE. I was in a panic. I tried to stop the flow of lemonade with my thumb again, I felt like the little boy who had to stick his thumb in the dam to keep the water from rushing out. But the hole was too big and my little thumb wasn't doing anything. So I made the daring move to hurry and grab it and hold it out the door. Thus leading to me being completely covered in lemonade, and being mad at Colt for not coming to help me because of the rain (don't worry folks, he did come and help, so I couldn't stay mad at him) So I was soaked in lemonade, and cold, and annoyed. It was all over the car, and I felt bad because Colt didn't really get any of the delicious-ness. STUPID THIN STYROFOAM CUPS. WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID...AND THIN.. AUGH.

But that was just the beginning. We went back to printing the wedding invites for our client, and the client and his fiancee decided to stop by and check up in the progress. It was going great, until the client said, "Hey where is the information for the reception?" Colt and I just looked at each other, like WHAT. We looked at the invites, and sure enough, the much needed information was missing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! We were so embarrassed, here we are, young kids trying to start this business to help support our family, and trying to be very professional, and we leave out important information on a clients wedding invite!! Auuuuugh. It can be fixed, which is a blessing. But it just added to our already Awesome day...
Tomorrow is going to be better, I get to go the dinosaur museum...

But for now...

*throws hands up in the air*


Hello Stranger...

Sorry that we have updated in a while, it has been crazy here! We have a craft show that we have to get ready for the first week of May, and we have to try and get it all done early, because we are GOING ON A VACATION. Do I need more emphasis on how dang excited I am? We aren't going anywheres toooo fancy, just sunny Southern Cali, BUT ITS A VACATION NONE THE LESS. Man, I am ready for some relaxin, and some delicious sun rays. Mmmmm.
Anyways, to catch you all up with all our bid-nis, basically Colt finished winter semester with flying colors! I am back at work, have been for the past 5 weeks. Whoa, I just noticed, that is long time. For those of you who don't know what I do, I am a nanny for my niece and 2 nephews. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its crazy, but so is life. Like I said, we are getting ready for a big craft show which is the first week of May. This month's product....BOWTIES. Like the good Doctor says..."Oh yeah....bowties are cool."

We purchased rad fabrics and have been crankin these babies out for the past 3 nights. We have almost 40 cut out and ready to be sewn. Bowtie Madness!
If any of you would like a bow tie, just let us know!

And if any of you would like to know how to tie a bow tie ( a noble skill ) check out this video that we made, starring our wonderful best friend Darrin Frank. He is a master bow tie tier.

Adorable side note, Darrin's wonderful wife and best friend of ours, Anna, makes all of his bowties. He is a professional bow tie wearer. :)