Sunday, September 18, 2011

Love Bites

I have neglected this blog for so long, I don't know were to start.

Here is a recent tale of love, betrayal, and a good dose of "WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?!".

(a little bit of history before I tell the story. M.C. Hamster is our adorable, loving, Chinese Dwarf Hamster. We affectionally call him just M.C.)

It was late at night, and Colt and I were getting ready for bed.

Me--"You know, M.C. probably doesn't have that much longer to live, we have had him for over a year and a half, and they only live about 2 years."

Colt--"Well thats depressing, go get him, and lets let him run around for a little bit"

I go and grab the little guy, and we corral him on our bed. I am laying on my stomach, with my chin on my hands. Front row seats to the adorable scurrying.

Me--"Isn't he the cutest!? Aw man I hope he never dies.."

Colt--"Me too.."

Then he scampers over to me, and starts tickling my face with his dainty whiskers. I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time, which I chalk up to poor decision making on my part, because next thing I knew, my eye lid was gettin chomped on.
Nibbled? (I don't know what a good word would be for the tiniest of bites)
I threw back my head and was like, WHAT THE CRAP IS HAPPENING. It was like the movies people! Horror!

He wasn't letting go either. Poor little MC was trying to find a foot hold on my face. His little limbs were flailing every which way, and were scratching up my nose and my cheek. I don't blame him for freaking out a little bit. If I bit on to something and it moved and took me with it, I would be flailing like crazy too.
Meanwhile, Colt was just staring at me. I am going to say it was shock. (Do people laugh hysterically when they are in shock? Hmm..) But then he did come to my rescue and got the little
twit off my eye. He then promptly took him and plopped him into his cage.

Colt--"M.C. in your eulogy it will say, "The day that we talked about MC dying, was the closest we ever came to killing him."

But you know what...

Abi & M.C. 2011!

He still my one and only MC.


Dear Blog,
Im so sorry I have neglected you. I promise to repent and change my ways. I don't want you to think that any of this was your fault. Mom and Dad still love you!
Please don't talk too badly about us to your future therapist.